
  1. Bold innovator and pioneer James Cannon establishes Cannon in a backyard shed in 1915.
  2. Cannons P Connectos enable the first "talkie" movie, usherig in a new age of entertainment
  3. Cannon AF plugs are used by DC-Series planes and later by all US aircraft manufacturers
  4. Cannon Answers the Call for Defense
  5. Cannon's D-Subminiature. The first multi-purpose connector, is launched.
  6. Cannon plugs are used on the moon landing.
  7. Moving Ahead at the Speed of Light ... and Sound
  8. Cannon Connectors Boot Up a Computer Revolution
  9. The 1990s to Now, Cannon Enables the “Smart” E

1950s - The Umbilical Connectors

1950s - The Umbilical Connectors

Originally designed for aircraft radio systems, the Cannon D-Sub became the first-ever multi-purpose connector, ideal for many different applications. Throughout the years, this versatility made this Cannon invention the most widely used connector in the world. As is often the case with amazing discoveries like this, the team didn’t know it was making history; it simply thought it was making a better, smaller product for the customer.
“We kept hearing that people wanted smaller plugs, so we decided to make some,” said Bob Cannon, the Cannon Electric Company leader at that time, with typical matter-of-factness.